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komodo dragon是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-22 作者: 英语查

komodo dragon 是什么意思


【动物;动物学】科莫多巨蜥 (Varanus komodoensis) 〔产于印尼科莫多岛,全长9英尺,当今地球上最长的蜥蜴〕。
dragon:    n. 1.龙。 2.飞龙旗。 3.凶暴的人;(年轻女子的 ...


1.You know , they really should tell you if they ' re just gonna let komodo dragons run loose around the hotel

2.On flores , the only sizable predators were the komodo dragon and another , even larger monitor lizard

3.The komodo dragon varanus komodoensis is the world ' s biggest lizard , reaching up to three metres 10 feet long
报道说,科莫多巨蜥komodo dragon是世界上体形最大的蜥蜴,其身长能长到3米。

4.Dinosaurs have been extinct for many many years . but " komodo dragon " a close relative of dinosaur is still alive on the komodo island of india

5.Fewer than 4 , 000 komodo dragons are thought to be left in the world , living on only three islands in indonesia which they can swim between

6.Although other lizards are known to reproduce this way , it is the first time this process was recorded in komodo dragons , which are the largest of the lizard family

7.But sungai laid the fertilised eggs before even meeting her british lover - and the last time she is known to have had intercourse was two years ago , with another thoiry komodo dragon called kinaam
Sungai竟然在和自己的英国“爱侣”见面之前,就产下了这些受精卵。而且,据动物园工作人员所知, sungai的上一次的交配时间早在两年之前。

8.Please join the tvb artists patrick tang and chiu chui yi on an exploratory tour on the komodo island . during the process of filming this travellogue , they were even run after by the komodo dragons . .

9.Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare komodo dragons , whose paternity remains a mystery . the four reptiles were born last month from a clutch laid at london zoo by a female called sungai

10." either female komodo dragons are spermthecal , meaning that they have the ability to store sperm or fertilised eggs for long periods , in this case for two years , or they are parthogenetic , meaning that they are self - reproductive - they produce clones of themselves , " de la panouse said
其一,每只雌性科莫多巨蜥都有受精囊,这意味着它们有能力在很长一段时间存储精子或受精卵。由此看来, sungai可能就将精子或受精卵存储了两年之久。

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